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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Message in bottle

Have you ever wanted to send a message in a bottle?
Me too.
But the movie "Serendipity" inspired me
to find an alternate method..
message in a book.

So I took a trip 
to the gargantuan old bookstore in Logan

Once there,
Ericka and I found a secluded place,
and wrote our notes.

This was mine:

I left my email
in the hopes of receiving a 
notification from the recipient.
If I'm lucky,
The person might even be
an attractive single RM

The book I chose 
was picked right off of 
the "rare" shelf

"The European Scrapbook"
which was checked out of the
Roosevelt Jr. High school in

Yep you saw right,
There is even a list of names
of the people who checked it out
so many years ago.
I really want to google some of the names,
to see if these people 
amounted to something.

I found quote and a drawing 

in quite the randomest of books.

We spent the rest of our visit
absorbing random bits of knowledge
and enjoying some amateur photography.

If you ever are in Logan, 
Stop by Books of Yesterday
on Main Street,
It's worth the trip :).

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